úterý 29. října 2013

Erik Best Profile----Blog Response

Blog of Erik Best

Erik Best is married to his Czech wife, Dita, and together they have four children. Best graduated from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in 1985, with a degree in Eastern European studies and a concentration on Russian language. He then completed a master’s degree in Russian language at Middlebury College in 1985. After his time at Middlebury, Best traveled to Moscow, and studied there in 1983 and 1984. Best speaks many languages, those being Czech, Russian French and English. After his studies in Moscow, Best completed an MBA at the University of North Carolina in 1987, while working briefly in investment banking and management consulting in North Carolina before he made the decision to move to Prague.
            Best arrived in Prague in 1991, and has been publishing the Fleet Sheet, Best’s product, since 1992. The Fleet sheet is a one page summary of Czech press. At the time he believed the Fleet Sheet would only last five to six years, but the Fleet Sheet is still going strong, more than twenty years later. Best believes this is partly because many of the foreigners stayed loyal to the product, as well as because Czechs quickly became the Fleet Sheet’s main customer base.
            The selection of the news is the Fleet Sheet’s strongest point. Every morning, publisher Best and his team research the most important business, political and cultural items. The Fleet Sheet is made as a free model in both Czech and English. However, the Fleet Sheet Archive, which includes the individual articles published in an easy to search format is available to subscribers to the daily Fleet Sheet bulletin.
            Best’s latest publication, which began in 2011, is the Friday Edition. It is a weekly analysis reserved only for subscribers to the daily Fleet Sheet Bulletin.

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