úterý 29. října 2013

President Obama names James B. Comey as 7th director of FBI

Yesterday members of the United States government and the FBI gathered for the appointment of 7th director of Federal Bureau of Investigation James B. Comey. Comey will serve a 10 year term as director of the FBI. Comey if famously known for his involvement in the prosecution of the Bambino and has a long outstanding history of success in the FBI. 

The presentation opened with a speech by United States President Barack Obama. Obama praised all the individuals putting their lives on the line to protect the American people, “you serve with courage, you serve with integrity, your protect Americans at home and abroad”. President Obama emphasized the importance of a selecting an individual with not only an impressive resume but a strong moral compass to head the FBI. The President briefly slipped politics into the speech when discussing how unfortunate circumstances, due to the sequester, have resulted in some funding and resources being cut from the FBI.

Comey humbly accepted his appointment, thanking his family, friends and colleagues for the support along the way. He stated that he will do his best to embody the three words imprinted on the shield of the FBI, fidelity, bravery, and integrity. Comey emphasized once again the strong moral character of the members of the FBI and praised their efforts. He thanked his fellow colleagues for their bravery each day working in the field and their faithfulness to the bureau. Comey’s speech reminded all Americans of the strength of the United States FBI and the importance of their work.

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