čtvrtek 31. října 2013

Opinion Essay on Eelections- David Cerny's statue

I decided to write my opinion piece on David Cerny’s statue that he used to send a message to the Czech government. David Cerny has been known to be an outspoken artist, and when he installed a giant hand holding up a middle finger in the Prague river to send an obscene gesture I was not surprised. He is a prominent opponent of Communism, and really, no one has to explain what the statue means. It definitely is something that speaks for himself. Although I have not been in Czech Republic for that long, I’ve spoken to many people my age on the subject as well as people of older generations about the matter of politics and the elections, none of whom want the return of Communism. I think that a lot of times, people forget what Communism was like here. From what I’ve heard, it was very oppressive and there was little to no freedom of any kind. I understand why some people would want the return of Communism, but I think that those people want it for the wrong reasons. While yes, everyone has jobs and is getting some money, it completely eliminates all competition for market jobs, businesses, and larger companies. I think that the people of Czech Republic really should take a look back in time on why Communism was overthrown to begin with. I think it’s important to look back on how they felt during that time and remember how they actually felt. David Cerny is known for his controversial art, and I was very interested to have seen this statue last week. I think that as an artist, it’s his job and his life to express his emotions. I think that he did an excellent job of doing this. He’s never been known for understatement or diplomacy. He depicts things as he feels and isn’t afraid of the repercussions. I think that this is hugely important. I think that it not only proves his expression of emotions but the fact that he has the freedom to actually do that. If Communist parties have a say in the elections, that might not be available in the future.

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